Fit Mamas Tribe Double their Revenue with LASSO in Two Years

Fit Mamas Tribe Double their Revenue and Counting with Two Years with LASSO

In 2013, mothers Christina Hedrick and Lauren Giles started a stroller bootcamp for moms.

It was a hit, so eventually they opened Fit Mamas Tribe in St. Augustine, Florida, a women’s only gym that offers strength training, HIT, pilates, yoga, personal training and nutrition coaching.

Two years ago, their business was at a bit of a stand still and “we had no idea what we were doing for marketing,” explained Giles, a mother of two boys. “We didn’t know how to make posts that would actually get traction.”

A fellow gym owner they knew and trusted, Robert Schwartz, the owner of All Fit Orlando was a LASSO mentor so the two women decided to go all in and trust Schwartz to show them the way.

They turned to LASSO, and the moment Giles and Hedrick did, they saw “an immediate uptick in leads and intro appointments getting booked,” Giles said.

Then December hit, and they assumed things would slow down.

“We were like, ‘We’re not going get many leads, it’s Christmas time…and then we booked eight to 10 intros,” remembered Hedrick, a mother of three boys.  

Needless to say, they were sold on their new marketing strategy.

But what’s most remarkable to Hedrick and Giles is that their growth has continued on an upward trajectory, not just for the first few months, but now, two years in.

Their monthly recurring revenue has jumped from $19,000 to $21,000 a month pre-LASSO to an average of $36,000 to $37,000 in recent months. And it’s not stopping. Last month, they hit $47,000, their biggest month yet.

They credit this directly to the leads LASSO has been bringing them for two years, and with helping attract people they never otherwise could have.

“We’re in a small town and we feel like we know a lot of people, but they have brought us people we wouldn't have even remotely reached…People are coming out of the woodwork you’d never expect,” Giles said, adding that some of their members live 10 miles away.

Hedrick added: “We are getting people looking for higher ticket items. Some aren’t, but lots are. And for us the quality of the lead is more important than anything. I’d say 30 to 40 percent are looking for higher ticket and they come in and they’re ready to join…They’re ready to make a change right now.”

Beyond Leads 

It’s one thing to generate 20, 30, 50, 100 new leads a month, but as Giles explained, “If you don’t know how to close them, it doesn’t matter.”

This is where their mentor, Schwartz, has come in especially handy. 

He has helped them with improving their sales game, Giles explained, adding, “he has finessed our strategy and how to approach the intros we do.

“He has also taught us how to use discovery calls…Our time is precious, and we want people coming in who are serious,” she added. 

Schwartz has also helped the gym owners increase their average client value. They used to have rates as low as $99 a month, and now their average client value is closer to $167. Further, they now offer higher ticket plans, where people drop as much as $2,000 in their first three months at the gym.

Ultimately recommending LASSO to other gym owners is a no-brainer, they agreed. 

“They have taken the thinking out of it and they bring us the quality leads to actually convert into members…a constant pipeline of leads,” Giles said.

“Marketing is not one of the hats we want to wear. They know what works and what brings in people. They know what they’re doing and the rest of the job is up to us,” Hedrick said, adding that consistency of their marketing and ads since working with LASSO has also been a game changer.

“Target doesn’t stop marketing. You need consistency over the long term,” she said. “And it’s working for us.”

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