Lasso Framework- Lead and Sales System Optimization

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Lauren Allen Picks up 23 New Clients in the two Slowest Months of the Year, Credits LASSO

Lauren Allen Picks up 23 New Clients in the two Slowest Months of the Year, Credits LASSO

Lauren Allen used to generate about 10 leads per month at her gym CrossFit FLxR in Carlsbad, an area of California that is really densely populated with gyms, and thus highly competitive.

The previous year, she had experienced a net loss when it came to clients (a net loss of 16 to be exact), so she knew she needed to do something to turn her business around.
So Allen turned to LASSO two months ago and “it was like a water faucet was turned on,” said Allen, who opened her gym in February 2019. 

“Leads are just flowing in.”

In July, she had 12 to 13 leads per week, effectively more than quadrupling her previous monthly average. 

More importantly, these leads have translated into clients—twenty three new client—and to do that in the typically slow month of July is even more notable. This brings her current client total to 125.

And most importantly, LASSO has helped Allen offer and sell higher ticket onboarding memberships, which has made a huge difference to her average client value in just two months, she explained.

In a nutshell, since starting with LASSO, Allen has been onboarding new clients via personal training, as much as 12 sessions, whereas before she was onboarding clients with just two to four sessions. 

She still offers lower tier memberships with less one-on-one training for those who don’t want or need as much hand-holding before they start group classes, but 50 percent of her new clients so far have gone for the higher ticket option.

Worth Noting: The extra clients and revenue also means Allen’s full-time coach was able to double her salary in the first month of working with LASSO.

Allen credits LASSO entirely with the quick growth: Their ads have increased her online visibility, which has helped not only bring in not just more leads, but the right leads.

“They have a proven method, and I trusted their method. They’re bringing in people that are our target demographic: 35 to 50-year-olds. They’re targeting dad bods and women over 40. That’s our target market,” Allen said.

One more thing: Prior to starting with LASSO, Allen researched hard. She asked others who had used LASSO, and she compiled a list of pros and cons to working with a sales and lead optimization company.

One thing that came up was that LASSO brings gyms a certain number of cold leads, which some gym owners assume aren’t the best leads.

However, this hasn’t been the case for Allen.

“Yeah they’re cold leads, but you need to do your part, as well,” she said, adding that her part is to become a good sales person, which is something else that LASSO has helped her with.

“It’s up to me to tailor the conversation to meet their needs and goals and tug on their emotional heart strings,” she said.

She credits LASSO’s Robert Schwartz, her LASSO mentor, with helping her run through scenarios and learn how to overcome objections and improve her sales game.

The result: 23 new (mostly higher paying) clients in the two notoriously slowest months of the year. 

Allen couldn’t be more excited, and she knows she’s just getting started.